Thursday, July 23, 2015

Summer Letter to Mill Creek Clients

Dear Mill Creek Clients:

What a lovely summer it has been. We are all so happy with the way everything has gone with the sale. We could have not asked for a better owner than Mr. Kim. Recently Mr. Kim had posed the question about what he could do to make Mill Creek even better. After some consideration we began discussing making the front arena into a covered arena with an indoor seating area. Crossing our fingers that all goes well we have begun speaking with architects and contractors. Mill Creek continues to grow and become even better.

As many of you know September has always been our slowest month, so I have asked my employees to take some well deserved time off during that time. Many of the instructors have made travel plans for that month as well as many of us going off to celebrate Anna Dalberg’s wedding. Non- horse owners may want to consider leasing during September to challenge yourself with a project while the instructors our out of town. Horse owners will want to plan ahead to be here more often during those times.

To the best of our knowledge here are the dates that we know our instructors will be out of town:
  • Sadie is gone August 4 - 12
  • McKenzie is gone August 1 & 2 and August 24 - September 30
  • Vivian is gone August 1 & 2, August 21 and  September 17 - October 7
We understand that it can be an inconvenience having the instructors out of town, but they have worked hard all year. Please note that Jennifer, Courtney, and Jenna will all be around and working flexible hours. Vivian and McKenzie have planed to work extra days when the other is out of town so that there are always people around to help and teach. All of the schedules will return back to normal approximately the 3rd week in September.

We are also excited for upcoming competitions and schooling such as Shepherd Ranch Schooling on Tuesday July 28th and the Mission Pacific Dressage Show on August 1st and 2nd.

As a helpful reminder, please remember to keep the tack rooms clean. Make sure your saddles and bridles all have nameplates. If your equipment does not fit in the tack box, please take it home. Keep all food carrots, grain, etc. at HOME.

We are also exited for the following horse shows and schoolings:
  • August ? Doug Payne Clinic
  • August 15 – 16: Copper Meadows Schooling
  • Aug 21 – 23: Shepherd Ranch Horse Trials
  • Sept 4 – 6: Copper Meadows Horse Trials
  • Sept 17 – 20: Twin Rivers Horse Trials
All the best,


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